Friday, January 8, 2010

Im a good looking guy in colorado that is single but have almost no dates any advice from girls out there?

Start asking! I was asked out a few weeks ago in a way that really impressed me. I work in retail, and I was helping a guy about my age find a pillow. He was laying on the floor to try them out, and we ended up cracking up laughing about how silly he looked. When he found one he liked, he came right out and said ';Now that you know how crazy I am, can I buy you dinner?'; We didn't even know each others names yet! Turns out we didn't have a lot in common, but I was so impressed by the way he just asked me.

Give it a try! Next time you have a little 'moment' with the girl at the coffee shop, a sales clerk, or even someone you strike up a conversation with standing in line, go ahead and ask! The worst that could happen is that she'll say no. But I'll tell you what- even if she does, I can guarantee that you'll make her day by asking!Im a good looking guy in colorado that is single but have almost no dates any advice from girls out there?
Look to your both sides. You'll see what youre looking for.

or maybe your standard is to high, there's no such as ms.Right.

and choose to hang out to girls who almost hated you. why? because there's no sweetums effect and there's a challege. And there's an argument. if there's an argument there is an conversation (sometimes tell her that maybe, she's right, next topic.), if there's a conversation, there's a bound, and if there's a bound, your in a roll. You get what im trying to say? it's not all about the looks! you can improve your communication skills. Im a good looking guy in colorado that is single but have almost no dates any advice from girls out there?
Keep doing what you're doing. Do what you love and love what you do. Sooner or later a woman will see you enjoying yourself and want to join your life.

Trust me....we have a sharp radar for guys like that ;-)

edit: OMG ppl, have you even read his question?! He said he's a GUY not that he's looking for a guy. He also didn't ask for a date but for advice on why he gets none! wowww.
Get out of Colorado. bunch of tree hugging hippies if you ask me. move to Texas.


First comes the money

Then comes the power

Finnaly comes the woman chico
Well maybe Colorado isn't right for you, try starting a new life somewhere else. Get to know your neighbours and you might get lucky Hope this helps xx
your looking for a guy and your avatar is a guy? are u gay?
don';t be looking online babe

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